In 2035 the existence of Robots is needed and they are used constantly as employees and assistants to humans. The Robots have a programming code called “Law of Robotics” (First Law: A robot way not injure a human; Second Law: A Robot must obey the orders, unless they conflict with the first law; Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first and second Law), which prevents that they hurt humans. This law seems to be broken in a crime committed precisely by robot Sonny. Sonny is the real culprit. There is a possibility that Robots have found a way to break the laws of robotics and this can allow them to dominate, the planet, since nothing could prevent them from subduing humans. To investigate the case detective Del Sponner is called, who with the help of Dr. Susan Calvin will uncover what really happened.
Del Spooner didn’t like robots, because one day he had an accident with a 12 year-old girl. In this accident she had 11% to survive and he had 35%. What happened is that the robots were also planned to save people with a bigger percentage of surviving.
Dr. Susan Calvin likes robots a lot. She depended on robots in addiction to being scientist in this area she was also the robot psychologist, so she understood them.
Robot Sonny was a robot with a completely different programme. He could dream and feel and he was the only robot with that type of programming.
I think this film was made on the basis of showing people how our future may be, full of new technologies. It has enough action and shows that almost all the robots are not in the life of human.
Can this be Reality?
Yes, I think so, because increasingly the technologies are progressing day by day, what might happen in the future is that robots are a reality.
Is Vicky Right: “Do you need to eliminate some humans to save thankind?”
Yes and No, because this world was made for humans not for robots. This is my no. But same people should be tortured for being big “criminals” that hurt our planet.
by Tiago Queiros 10th Management